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  • Etkiler 17
  • Tepkiler 39
  • Popüler Tepkiler 0
  • Kullanıcı 458
  • 75

Would it be possible to give a human artificial gills, capable of allowing humans to breathe underwater (with no outside source of oxygen except from H2O)?

Would it be possible to give a human artificial gills, capable of allowing humans to breathe underwater (with no outside source of oxygen except from H2O)?

Az oku
  1. Interesting one. Sharks are bigger than humans and manage with gills. I suspect the answer is no, because sharks and fish are poikilothermic, they adopt the temperature of their surroundings whereas humans and other mammals are homeothermic - they maintain a constant body temperature. There’s a hugeDevamını oku

    Interesting one. Sharks are bigger than humans and manage with gills. I suspect the answer is no, because sharks and fish are poikilothermic, they adopt the temperature of their surroundings whereas humans and other mammals are homeothermic – they maintain a constant body temperature. There’s a huge difference in energy and therefore oxygen requirements. Humans burn smoking amounts of oxygen and food just to stay warm. You could have gills, but you’d have to be cold blooded.

    And you wouldn’t be able to make enough energy to power a human brain, a seriously power hungry organ. So you wouldn’t be human…

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  • 45

I used to travel a lot for work. I literally lived out of a suitcase in hotel rooms. I ate whatever I felt like when I was on expense account. Sometimes I’d have a $2-$4 meal because all I wanted was ...Devamını oku

I used to travel a lot for work. I literally lived out of a suitcase in hotel rooms.

I ate whatever I felt like when I was on expense account. Sometimes I’d have a $2-$4 meal because all I wanted was a donut and coffee and other times I’d have steak dinner.

Az oku
  1. I want to argue that your premise is wrong. Sorry. Today, ketchup is a type of tomato sauce. It is a recipe for a family of tomato sauces. Just like Dijon is a type of mustard sauce. When someone says Dijon mustard, one gets in mind a type of mustard sauce. There are many Dijon recipes. But they havDevamını oku

    I want to argue that your premise is wrong. Sorry. Today, ketchup is a type of tomato sauce. It is a recipe for a family of tomato sauces. Just like Dijon is a type of mustard sauce. When someone says Dijon mustard, one gets in mind a type of mustard sauce. There are many Dijon recipes. But they have similar taste profiles. They are a mustard sauce family. Similarly, when someone says ketchup, one gets in mind a type of tomato sauce. There are many ketchup recipes. But they all have similar taste profiles.

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Everyone knows this. But I don’t think people are really aware of just how cold it gets. Yesterday was -25 degrees Farenheit outside. It sucked. My car barely started, and it’s heating system is shit. My hands were colder than the ...Devamını oku

Everyone knows this. But I don’t think people are really aware of just how cold it gets.

Yesterday was -25 degrees Farenheit outside. It sucked. My car barely started, and it’s heating system is shit. My hands were colder than the heart of a Packers’ fan. A school bus stalled at the entrance of the middle school.

Today, however, is 50 degrees warmer that it was yesterday. Sounds like it should be balmy outside, right?

Az oku
  1. We in Florida are number one in new Covid cases. We were a while ago too but lost it to Missouri on some other insignificant place. Also, only 50% of Florida people are vaxxed which can related directly to IQ and education.

    We in Florida are number one in new Covid cases. We were a while ago too but lost it to Missouri on some other insignificant place.

    Also, only 50% of Florida people are vaxxed which can related directly to IQ and education.

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  • 31

if my high school has an agreement with the local community college. Can I take a community college course during the second semester of high school?

if my high school has an agreement with the local community college.

Can I take a community college course during the second semester of high school?

Az oku
  1. You probably can take a community college course during a second semester of high school. Some high schools already have a dual credit option or a program for gifted and talented students to take classes while in high school. The parents just mostly likely have to pay for the tuition. Just talk to yDevamını oku

    You probably can take a community college course during a second semester of high school. Some high schools already have a dual credit option or a program for gifted and talented students to take classes while in high school. The parents just mostly likely have to pay for the tuition. Just talk to your high school counselor.

    Daha az görün
  • 10

The world of information technology is not just about creating websites, apps, games, and animations for entertainment purposes. Technologies can help in many different areas that directly or indirectly improve people’s lives and the planet’s condition. So, How can I use ...Devamını oku

The world of information technology is not just about creating websites, apps, games, and animations for entertainment purposes.

Technologies can help in many different areas that directly or indirectly improve people’s lives and the planet’s condition.

So, How can I use my technology skills and for what?

Az oku
  1. The world is moving towards more technology immersion so the applications of technology are everywhere. Think about a problem which technology can solve in your country or your city and then analyze if you can use your entrepreneurial skills to implement a solution. Technological breakthroughs are aDevamını oku

    The world is moving towards more technology immersion so the applications of technology are everywhere. Think about a problem which technology can solve in your country or your city and then analyze if you can use your entrepreneurial skills to implement a solution. Technological breakthroughs are announced every few days or weeks; be the first to explore if a viable business can be developed locally from a new innovation.

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  • 30

Some people keep choosing the same relationship pattern because it is familiar to them even though it isn’t a healthy partnership. Familiar isn’t always a good thing such as in this situation. Why do people choose to stay in relationships that ...Devamını oku

Some people keep choosing the same relationship pattern because it is familiar to them even though it isn’t a healthy partnership. Familiar isn’t always a good thing such as in this situation.

Why do people choose to stay in relationships that they constantly complain about?

Az oku
  1. They are right and they are not right. It\'s all in the phrasing. Relationships are not bad but demanding. We all come with set ideas, ideals and are feeling safe in this comfort zone. Relationships demand adjustment to a changing situation and we are reluctant to shift our asses. But again, thoughDevamını oku

    They are right and they are not right.

    It\’s all in the phrasing.

    Relationships are not bad but demanding. We all come with set ideas, ideals and are feeling safe in this comfort zone.

    Relationships demand adjustment to a changing situation and we are reluctant to shift our asses.

    But again, though relationships though demanding, are a pleasant distraction which we all enjoy.

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  • 19

The introduction of the Scientific Method and its use to find, measure and to otherwise evaluate “evidence” in order to draw conclusions and/or to suggest prescriptive pathways for advancing human endeavors. What is the biggest advancement to human progress?

The introduction of the Scientific Method and its use to find, measure and to otherwise evaluate “evidence” in order to draw conclusions and/or to suggest prescriptive pathways for advancing human endeavors.

What is the biggest advancement to human progress?

Az oku

The fruitarian, or fruit, diet is a highly restrictive vegan diet. It excludes all animal products, including dairy. People following this program eat a diet consisting primarily of raw fruits. Vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds can also be eaten ...Devamını oku

The fruitarian, or fruit, diet is a highly restrictive vegan diet. It excludes all animal products, including dairy. People following this program eat a diet consisting primarily of raw fruits. Vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds can also be eaten in moderation.

Why wouldn’t the fruitarian diet be an ally for health?

And is that right? or not?

Az oku
  1. It would make more sense to go for a mushroomarian diet and eat sweet fruits as occasional snacks. You get more protein and complex carbohydrates when you emphasize mushrooms, nuts, beans, etc over sweet fruits. That way, you can build muscle if you wanted to while preventing them darn, pesky, unwanDevamını oku

    It would make more sense to go for a mushroomarian diet and eat sweet fruits as occasional snacks. You get more protein and complex carbohydrates when you emphasize mushrooms, nuts, beans, etc over sweet fruits. That way, you can build muscle if you wanted to while preventing them darn, pesky, unwanted blood sugar spikes.

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